Sufi Calligraphy

For more information about these pieces, see “About this artwork”

To order more than one copy of an item, click the “Add to cart” button multiple times. You can view your total order and remove items in the page sidebar to the left. Payments are processed via PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account for these transactions.

4×6, $2.25 ea. 
Color :

8×10, $21 ea. 
Color :

12×12, $45 ea. 
Color :

“Astaghfirullāh” — opening our awareness of the all-pervading, instantaneously-forthcoming and totally unconditional
Divine Forgiveness.
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Sovereign Owner of Majesty & Bounty.”
4×6, $2.25 ea.

8×8, $21 ea.

12×12, $45 ea.

“Yā Noor,” “O Light!”
4×6, $2.25 ea.

8×8, $21 ea.

12×12, $45 ea.

“Bismillāh ir-Raḥman ir-Raḥīm” — “With the Name of God, Who is All Beneficence and Compassion”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“HU” — The sound of the Divine Presence
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×8, $21 ea. 

12×12, $45 ea. 

Īllla-Hu: “There is only HU”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×8, $21 ea. 

12×12, $45 ea. 

‘Ishq Allāh — “God is Love”
4×6, $2.25 ea.
Shape :

8×10, $21 ea.
Shape :

13×19, $45 ea.
Shape :

‘Ishq Allāh Ma‘būd Allāh
Freely translated, “God is Love, God is the Lover, and God is the Beloved One.”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×8, $21 ea. 

12×12, $45 ea. 

“Qul Hu Allāhu Āḥad” — “Say: God is One”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“SubḥānAllāh” — “Glory Be to Allah”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 
Color :

8×10, $21 ea. 
Color :

13×19, $45 ea. 
Color :

“Yā Fattāḥ” — “O, Opener-of-the-Way!”
4×6, $2.25 ea.

5×5, $4 ea.

8×8, $21 ea.

12×12, $45 ea.

“Yā Fattāḥ” in Persian “Nasta‘liq” lettering style
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Yā Razzāq — “O, Divine Providence”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Yā Shaffee” — “O Healer!”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Lā ilaha īlla-Llāhu”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 
Color :

8×10, $21 ea. 
Color :

13×19, $45 ea. 
Color :

“Ya Ḥazrat-i Mevlānā, Qaddas-Allāh Sirrahu”
in the shape of the Mevlevi shaikh’s Taj,
a traditional emblem of that Order.
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Yā Ḥazrat-i Mevlānā, Qaddas-Allāh Sirrahu”
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

6×13, $21 ea. 

18×19, $45 ea. 
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

The Initiatic Lineage (“Silsila”) of the Ināyati Order
8×10, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

This is the initiatic chain of historical masters and students-who-became-masters, stretching from our time back to the Prophet Muhammad and from him to all the Prophets and Avatars of all the wisdom traditions who preceded him. It is largely through the Chain of Transmission that the catalyzing transformative blessing power of the Sufis (barakat comes into the world.

“Yā Shaffee, Ya Kaffee”4×6, $2.25 ea.

8×13, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

“Yā Ḥazrat-i ‘Ināyat — Qaddas-Allāh Sirrahu”
For an explanation of this design, click here.
4×6, $2.25 ea. 

8×13, $21 ea. 

13×19, $45 ea. 

13×36, $60.00 ea.